Friday 1 March 2013

Character Idea

My character for this assignment is one that I have created and designed a world and story for myself, at this stage I will just be posting work for this assignment on this character, but if required I will post some other characters or story elements to back him up.

He is a warrior of a humanoid race, his name is Vahl. The apparel that I am designing for this project is while Vahl is traveling between cities, so it is a mix of combat gear and travel attire.

His race have three leaders that are demons, and a physical dragon god that father's the three demons. So that is where some of the more sinister and sharp features of his apparel come from. I've been designing him with a battered demon-metal cuirass previously, but I may change that depending on how it all fits together. For the rest of the gear I will do some investigation of some medieval and classical armour and clothing to achieve something believable.

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