Saturday 27 April 2013

So it turns out that Topogun 2 is super amazingly good for retopologizing hi-res models. So I've sculpted out a high res centaur for the animation project and now i'm boosting through the retopologizing. 

Sunday 21 April 2013

Final Turntable, I made a small terrain to give him a bit of setting, could hopefully use it for the animating project as well.
Here's a nicer render with some passes of the final thing from the turntable, hope it's a winner

Some more Stepping stones

Many of my process screens have been getting lost from my computer crashing while the photoshop set up was open which is a bit annoying, but I've broken down the steps to upload some steps to see how I got there since my last post. I didn't get very far with the rigging, as the process I was learning off digital tutors was very time heavy and I wanted to focus more on getting a well presented final turntable.

Most of my time was spent sculpting in Zbrush, as it is a part of the design process that I really enjoy and feel  the most confident with, so I felt that getting some good work out of there would benefit the final outcome.

Unfortunately this was at the cost of not learning more in maya, and I did not manage to export the normal and displacement maps back into maya when the push came to shove, so I instead set up a lighting system in Zbrush for the final turntable.

As far as the process goes, I have delved into each step, and ultimately not got there with the final few, but I was fairly happy with the Zbrush turntable that I handed in. As far as fitting the brief I'm not so sure I hit the mark there but I know now how to fix up my character for rigging for the next assignment, should be cool to get animating.

Also, as I have shown with some of the screens uploaded here I did a revamp of my character to work with a much more exaggerated body type. I decided that I wasn't going for a hyper real character, I was more looking for a stylized game character, so he's very stretched, tall and thin with really broad shoulders and a tiny waist, and humongous feet to allow some comically large boots.

Anyway here are the rest of my process screens, rig included: